Wilson Mountain Reservation is a 213 acre state park located in Dedham, Massachusetts. It was acquired in 1995 and is the largest, open, undeveloped space in Dedham. This dog-friendly reservation is an oasis in an urban landscape – a great place to take a walk to reconnect with nature.
The Hiking Trails at Wilson Mountain Reservation
Wilson Mountain Reservation is open from dawn to dusk everyday. There are 2 main trails that run a loop around the park, the blue trail and the red trail. There’s plenty of opportunities to go off the trail and do exploring on your own as well.

Both the red and blue trail start near the parking lot.
The red trail, marked with red circles on the trees, runs 3/4 mile and takes you up Wilson Mountain for views of the Boston skyline.

The blue trail, marked with blue rectangles on tree trunks, runs 2 miles and takes you around the entire reservation. Towards the end of the trail, the trees open up to fantastic views of Blue Hills Reservation.
We Took the Blue Trail
It was a cold, blistery Saturday morning when my friend (Jen), Matt and I set out along the blue trail. We were eager to get moving to warm up.
If you face the entrance, the trail begins to the right of the parking lot and loops around to the entrance.

Wilson Mountain Reservation is a dog-friendly state park and it seemed that almost everyone there (but us) was walking with their pup.
Caution: Watch where you walk! At the beginning of the blue trail there was dog poop everywhere, I stepped in it more than once.
There is a big sign in the parking lot that says all dogs must be on leashes. Nobody followed this rule though. It’s also disappointing that no one was cleaning up after their dog.

The blue trail is relatively flat, it’s an easy walk. There are some spots where you’ll need to do some light climbing, but it’s not too physically exerting.
Here’s a video I took of the beginning of the blue trail. I climbed up one of the big rock cliffs for this video.
There are lots of cliffs and large rocks near the trail though and if you feel up to it, try climbing these for a great workout.
Water Runs through This Reservation
There are many great water features running along the trail. At a few spots, you can see and hear the relaxing sounds of a babbling brook as it flows across Wilson Mountain Reservation.

Here’s a video of one of the bigger streams as it flows through the blue trail.
As you approach the end of the trail, there’s even a bridge that extends over a small body of water. I really enjoy when hiking trails have natural water running through them, it gives me a feeling of relaxation and calm. Not every hiking trail has water either, which makes it a little more special.

The View of Blue Hills
As you get closer to the end of the trail, the trees open up. In the distance you can see Blue Hills and the reservation surrounding it. It was a great ending to this cold hike.
The final video I took is the view of Blue Hills as you near the end of the blue trail.
Caution: Keep on the look out for the blue trail markers. At certain points on the trail, they’re not very visible. We took a wrong turn and ended up in someone’s backyard.
Other Things to Do at Wilson Mountain Reservation
While going for a hike is the most common thing to do at Wilson Mountain, there are a few other activities that suit this location as well.

- Rock climbing – with so many large rocks and cliffs, this area would be a great place to practice outdoor rock climbing.
- Picnic – with such great features as brooks and skyline views, this park has many great spots for a picnic.
- Cross-country skiing/snow shoeing – this relatively flat trail would make for some great winter fun.
- Walking the dog – this is a popular dog park, so why not bring your pooch to make some new friends?
Getting to Wilson Mountain Reservation
The parking lot for Wilson Mountain Reservation is located on Route 135 in Dedham, MA. Parking is free but it’s a small lot that holds about 12 cars. On the Saturday morning we went, the lot was full. People were parking along the main road and wedging their car up along the side of the street.
The lot does not have an official address – the state website does not have one listed either – but this is close:
389 Common Street
Dedham, MA 02026
If you enter that address into your GPS, it will put you in the vacinity of the lot. It is located next to a big track and tennis court. Here is the location on Google Maps:
We really enjoyed our time on the trail. This park is like an oasis in the city, it’s a great escape from busy, urban life.

It’s popular as a dog park, so, if you don’t like animals, this park isn’t for you. Watch where you’re walking as the beginning parts of the trails are covered in dog poop.
We did this trail during cold weather at a slow pace and made frequent stops to take pictures. It took us only an hour to walk the length of the trail.

So, when are you going to check out Wilson Mountain Reservation?
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