This is the first in my series of basic, New England information posts. These posts are designed to be a complete information package to assist with any day trip or vacation planning. Today we are covering the beaches in Rhode Island, sorted by town, and all the information you need to know for a fantastic visit to any of its amazing beaches.
Pictures of these beaches will be added as I visit each beach and personally snap some photos.
Barrington Town Beach
Address: The end of Bay Road, Barrington, RI 02806
Phone: 401-274-1925
A beautiful 4 acre strip of beach that overlooks Narragansett Bay.
Lifeguards on duty from 9 AM – 5 PM from June through September
Amenities: Parking, restrooms and showers
During the on-season (June – September) the Barrington Town Beach parking is open to Barrington residents only who’ve purchased a parking sticker. During the off-season, parking is open to everyone.
The official beach rules can be found here.
Bristol Town Beach
Address: 50 Asylum Road, Bristol, RI 02809
Phone: 401-253-1611
This lively beach with pebbly sand features a park and recreation area that will entertain the whole family.
Lifeguards are on duty during the summer months.
Amenities: Children’s activities, food/snack bar, parking, picnic area, playground and restrooms
Bristol Town Beach parking rates for the summer months are $6 on weekdays and $10 on weekends and holidays with half-priced admission for Bristol residents.
Union Street Beach
Address: End of Union Street, Bristol, RI 02809 (where it meets with Hope Street)
Phone: 401-253-1611
This small stretch of greenspace and beach is perfect for a picnic or just to relax on the beach.
Occasionally there is a lifeguard on duty during the summer months, but don’t expect one.
Amenities: Parking
There are a few spots for Union Street Beach parking, but not many so get there early. Parking is free.
Spring Lake Beach Facility
Address: 50 Old Hillside Drive, Burrillville, RI 02826
Phone: 401-568-9474
This lake-side beach offers a wide range of activities from canoeing to an arcade.
While the beach is open, lifeguards watch the waters. Hours vary based on time of year. Find a full schedule here.
Amenities: Children’s activities, food/snack bar, parking, picnic area, playground, restrooms and showers
There is ample Spring Lake Beach parking, rates are: $3 for non-residents and $1.50 for residents of Burrillville.
Blue Shutters Town Beach
Address: 469 East Beach Road, Charlestown, RI 02813
Phone: 401-364-1206
Located near Ninigret Conservation Area, this 1/2 mile long beach offers great ocean swimming with plenty of amenities.
Lifeguards are on duty during the summer months.
Amenities: Food/snack bar, parking, picnic area, restrooms and showers
Parking at Blue Shutters Town Beach is $15 for weekdays and $20 for weekends and holidays.
Burlingame State Park & Campground
Address: 1 Burlingame State Park, Charlestown, RI 02813
Phone: 401-322-8910
This 2,100 acre state park boasts a great selection of activities for the family. It is mainly a campground, but also has a beach on the freshwater Watchaug Pond.
Lifeguards are on duty during the on-season from 9 AM to 6 PM.
Amenities: Campground, children’s activities, parking and restrooms.
Burlingame State Park & Campground parking is free, but it costs $2 to rent a picnic table.
Charlestown Breachway
Address: At the end of Charlestown Beach Road, Charlestown, RI 02813
Phone: 401-364-7000
This short stretch of beach allows camping, fishing, boating and swimming all while offering amazing views of Block island Sound.
Lifeguards are on duty during the summer months.
Amenities: Campground, parking and restrooms
Parking for Charlestown Breachway is limited, so get there early. It’s $20 on weekdays and $28 on weekends and holidays. Rhode Island residents get half-off.
Charlestown Town Beach
Address: 557 Charlestown Beach Road, Charlestown, RI 02813
Phone: 401-364-1208
This stretch of beach is located adjacent to the Charlestown Breachway and offers soft sand and great views of the ocean.
Amenities: Food/snack bar, parking and restrooms
Their official site states that parking is $15 on weekdays and $20 on weekends.
Ninigret Park
Address: Park Lane, Charlestown, RI 02813
Phone: 401-364-1227
There is a freshwater pond with a public beach located on this expansive park. Other attractions include sports courts, picnic areas, playgrounds and many more family friendly activities.
Lifeguards are on duty during the summer months.
Amenities: Children’s activities, playground and restrooms
Parking for Ninigret Park is free.
Quonochontaug Beach
Address: Sand Trail, Charlestown, RI 02813
Phone: 401-322-4013
This beautiful, undeveloped beach is the crown jewel of Charlestown.
During the summer season, lifeguards are on duty.
Amenities: Parking
This beach is privately owned and open only to property owners. However, during the off-season, they allow access to the parking lot and the beach to non-owners. Find out more on the foundation’s website.
Briar Point Beach
Address: Briar Point Ave, Coventry, RI 02816
Phone: 401-822-9107
A neat, little beach along the Tiogue Lake tucked into a residential neighborhood.
Lifeguards are on duty from 10 AM – 6 PM everyday from June 19th through September 6th.
Amenities: Parking, picnic area, playground and restrooms
Parking fees for Briar Point Beach are $10 for non-resident and $5 for locals. See more at their website.
Peck Pond Beach
Address: 151 Pulaski Road, Glocester, RI 02814 (then take Center Trail to Peck Pond)
Phone: 401-568-2085
This beach is located on Peck Pond in Casimir Pulaski Memorial State Park. Situated in the dense forest, this beach offers peace and relaxation.
There are no lifeguards.
Amenities: Hiking and parking
Parking is free but it is located a little ways away from the beach.
George Washington State Campground
Address: 2185 Putnam Pike, Glocester, RI 02814
Phone: 401-568-6700
A beach located on the Bowdish Reservoir on the George Washington State Campground. Great for freshwater swimming.
No lifeguards are on duty.
Amenities: Hiking, parking and restrooms
This beach is open to people who rent a campsite, the campground is open from April to October.
East Ferry Beach
Address: Conanicus Avenue, Jamestown, RI 02835
Located in the heart of Jamestown, East Ferry Beach is close to shops and has amazing views of the bridges.
No lifeguards are on duty.
Amenities: Parking and picnic area.
There are only a few parking spots close to the beach that are free, but they fill up fast. Read my adventure to Jamestown for more parking tips.
Mackerel Cove – Jamestown Town Beach
Address: Beavertail Road, Jamestown, RI 02835 (at the beginning of the road)
Phone: 401-423-7211
This pebbly beach offers great views of Mackerel Cove in a relaxing setting.
Lifeguards are stationed during the summer months.
Amenities: Parking and restrooms
Parking for Mackerel Cove is $15, it’s a smaller lot so get there early. Official beach website.
Shores Beach (Head’s Beach)
Address: Around 318 Seaside Drive, Jamestown, RI 02835
Phone: 401-423-7211
A great place to relax in the warm sand, picnic on the greenspace or fish from the rocky jetties.
Amenities: Parking and picnic area
No lifeguards are on duty.
According to the website, during the on-season, parking for this beach is restricted to residents.
Lincoln Woods State Park
Address: Off of the Les Pawson Loop, Lincoln, RI 02865
Phone: 401-723-7892
This state park offers plenty to do while enjoying the beach. Recently added to this park is a kayak school!
Lifeguards on duty during the summer months.
Amenities: Food/snack bar, parking, picnic area, restrooms and showers
Parking and entrance for Lincoln Woods State Park is free, but it costs to use certain facilities like the picnic tables ($2). See a full list of prices here.
Little Compton
Goosewing Beach

Address: At the end of South Shore Road, Little Compton, RI 02837
Phone: 401-635-9974
This is my favorite beach in all of Rhode Island (and dare I say the best beach in Rhode Island?). If you’d like an in-depth look, then read my review of Goosewing Beach.
Lifeguards are on duty during the summer months.
Amenities: See South Shore Beach below.
There is no parking for Goosewing Beach, you have to park at South Shore Beach (see below).
South Shore Beach

Address: At the end of South Shore Road, Little Compton, RI 02837
Phone: 401-635-9974
A great, sandy beach that allows on site camping. It is adjacent to Goosewing Beach.
Lifeguards are on duty during the summer months.
Amenities: Food cart, parking and restrooms
Parking is $12 on weekdays and $15 on weekends. But you can get free parking if you’re lucky.
Atlantic Beach
Address: Purgatory Road, Middletown, RI 02842
Phone: 401-847-1993
This small beach features amazing views of the Newport Mansions across the way.
No lifeguards on duty.
Amenities: Parking and picnic area
The parking lot for this beach is for Middletown residents only, everyone else can park at Easton Beach in Newport (see below).
Second Beach (Sachuest Town Beach)
Address: Sachuest Point Road, Middletown, RI 02842
Phone: 401-847-1993
With sand dunes and over a mile of beach, Second Beach is a popular spot during the warm, summer months.
Lifeguards are on duty during the summer.
Amenities: Food/snack bar, parking and showers
Parking at Second Beach is $10 on the weekdays and $20 on the weekends.
Third Beach
Address: 3rd Beach Road, Middletown, RI 02842
Phone: 401-847-1993
A large, curved beach that faces the Sakonnet River with views of scenic Little Compton.
Lifeguards are on duty during the on-season.
Amenities: Picnic area, parking and restrooms.
Parking for Third Beach is $10 on weekdays and $20 on weekends.
Roger Wheeler State Beach
Address: 100 Sand Hill Cove Road, Narragansett, RI 02882
Phone: 401-789-3563
Sometimes called Sand Hill Cove Beach, this long sandy beach offer views of Block Island and the ferries.
Lifeguards are on duty from 9AM – 6PM during the summer months.
Amenities: Food/snack bar, parking, playground, restrooms and showers
Parking for Roger Wheeler State Beach is $20 on weekdays and $28 on weekend and holidays. Rhode Island residents pay half-price.
Narragansett Town Beach
Address: Boston Neck Road, Narragansett, RI 02882
Phone: 401-783-6430
A pristine beach that offers many special events such as concerts and exercise classes.
Lifeguards are on duty during the summer months.
Amenities: Food/snack bar, picnic area, parking and restrooms
Parking for Narragansett Town Beach is $10 on weekdays and $15 on weekends.
Salty Brine State Beach
Address: 254 Great Road, Narragansett, RI 02882
Phone: 401-789-3563
Featuring a brand new 2,800 sq ft pavilion, this beach is situated at the breachway where the ferries traverse to Block Island.
Lifeguards are on duty from 9AM – 6PM during the summer months.
Amenities: Food/snack bar, parking and restrooms
The parking lot for Salty Bring State Beach is small and fills up quickly. It is $20 on weekdays and $28 on weekends, but half-priced for Rhode Island residents.
Scarborough State Beach
Address: 970 Ocean Road, Narragansett, RI 02882
Phone: 401-789-2324
A great beach featuring 2 huge pavilions, an observation tower and a gazebo.
Lifeguards are on duty from 9AM – 6PM during the on-season.
Amenities: Food/snack bar, parking, picnic area, restrooms and showers
Parking for Scarborough State Beach and costs $20 on weekdays and $28 on weekends with a half-priced fee for Rhode Island residents.
New Shoreham (Block Island)
Charleston Beach
Address: End of Champlin Road, New Shoreham, RI 02807
Phone: 401-466-3200
A cozy, quiet beach where you can watch boats pull through the breachway.
No lifeguards on duty.
Amenities: None
You will have to ride a bike or take a taxi to this beach.
Dories Cove (Dory’s Cove, Dorry’s Cove)

Address: End of Dorry’s Cove Road, New Shoreham, RI 02807
I have seen this small, beautiful stretch of beach along the west end of Block Island spelled a few different ways. Definitely one of my favorites beaches in Rhode Island.
No lifeguard on duty.
Amenities: None
There are a very few parking spots for this beach, you should probably take a taxi or ride a bike.
Fred Benson Town Beach (Crescent Beach)
Address: 7 Corn Neck Road, New Shoreham, RI 02807
Phone: 401-466-7717
This beautiful, two-mile beach along the eastern edge of Block Island is a great beach to watch the boats pull into the port.
Lifeguards are on duty from 10AM – 5PM during the summer months.
Amenities: Food/snack bar, parking, restrooms and showers.
Parking for Fred Benson Town Beach is free.
Mansion Beach

Address: End of Mansion Road, New Shoreham, RI 02807
Phone: 401-466-3200
A beach of warm sand below beautiful bluffs that overlook the ocean and the mansions along the beach.
No lifeguards on duty.
Amenities: Parking
Parking for Mansion Beach is free.
Block Island North Light Beach
Address: North end of Corn Neck Road, New Shoreham, RI 02807
Phone: 401-466-3213
Enjoy the calming sounds of the ocean on a backdrop of a lighthouse.
No lifeguard.
Amenities: Parking
The parking lot at the end of Corn Neck Road is a decent walk away from the beach so bring a good pair of shoes.
Easton’s Beach (First Beach)
Address: 175 Memorial Boulevard, Newport, RI 02840
Phone: 401-845-5810
Newport’s only ocean beach, Easton’s Beach features great attractions as well as a large, clean beach.
Lifeguards are on duty during the summer months.
Amenities: Children’s activities, food/snack bar, parking, picnic area, restrooms and showers.
Parking for Easton’s Beach is $10 for weekdays and $20 for weekends.
Fort Adams State Park
Address: Harrison Avenue, Newport, RI 02840
Phone: 401-847-2400
A fort that offers great views of the harbor and offers a beautiful beach for swimming.
Amenities: Children’s activities, picnic area, restrooms and showers
Parking for Fort Adams, I believe is free; but this will need to be confirmed.
King Park
Address: Wellington Avenue, Newport, RI 02840
Phone: 401-845-5800
A great park along Newport Harbor that features a picnic area and a boat dock.
No lifeguards on duty.
Amenities: Picnic area, parking and restrooms.
Parking for King Park is free. Most of the parking spots are for residents only, but there are a few reserved for non-residents. Street parking is also available but is metered.
North Kingstown
North Kingstown Town Beach
Address: 15 Beach Street, North Kingston, RI 02852
Phone: 401-294-3331
A beach located off of Wickford Harbor featuring gentle waves in a family friendly atmosphere.
Lifeguards are on duty 9AM – 5PM from June 21st – Labor Day.
Amenities: Children’s activities, parking, picnic area, restrooms and showers
Parking for North Kingstown Town Beach is for residents only with a beach sticker.
North Providence
Governor John A. Notte, Jr. Memorial Park
Address: Douglas Avenue, North Providence, RI 02904
Phone: 401-437-6422
A memorial park that features a freshwater beach and lots of activities.
Lifeguards are on duty starting July 1st.
Amenities: Children’s activities, parking, picnic area, parking and restrooms
Parking is ample and free at Governor Notte Park.
Sandy Point Beach
Address: End of Sandy Point Avenue, Portsmouth, RI 02871
Phone: 401-683-2101
Located along the Sakonnet River, this shallow beach is fun for the whole family.
Lifeguards on duty from 9AM – 4:30PM during the summer months.
Amenities: Food/snack bar, parking, picnic area and restrooms
Parking for Sandy Point Beach is $7 during the week and $12 during the weekend.
Teddy’s Beach
Address: Park Avenue, Portsmouth, RI 02871
Phone: 401-253-7482
A beautiful state-owned beach with views of Tiverton.
No lifeguards on duty.
Amenities: Parking
Parking for Teddy’s Beach is free, but there are limited spaces.
Georgiaville Pond Beach
Address: Stillwater Road, Smithfield, RI 02917
Phone: 401-233-1051
A small, family oriented beach located on the freshwater, Georgiaville Pond.
Amenities: Picnic area, parking and restrooms
You must purchase a parking sticker beforehand at the Recreation Department. $10 for residents and $20 for non-residents for a day pass. Find more information here.
Greenlake Beach
Address: Greenlake Drive, Smithfield, RI 02917
Phone: 401-233-1051
A freshwater beach that offers great views over Slack Reservoir.
No lifeguards on duty.
Amenities: Parking
Parking for Greenlake Beach is open only to residents who have the proper parking sticker.
South Kingstown
East Matunuck State Beach
Address: 950 Succotash Road, South Kingston, RI 02881
Phone: 401-789-8585
A public beach where you can watch the ferries enter and leave Point Judith.
Lifeguards on duty from 9AM – 6PM during the summer months.
Amenities: Food/snack bar, parking, picnic area and restrooms
Parking for East Matunuck State Beach is $20 on weekdays and $28 on weekends. It is half-priced for Rhode Island residents.
South Kingstown Town Beach at Matunuck
Address: Matunuck Beach Road, South Kingstown, RI 02881
Phone: 401-789-9301
This beach features over 1,000 feet of beach with a boardwalk and a playground.
Lifeguards on duty during summer months.
Amenities: Children’s activities, parking, picnic area and restrooms
Parking is $20 for weekdays and $28 for weekends. You can purchase beach passes from the town.
Fogland Beach/Tiverton Town Beach
Address: Fogland Point Road, Tiverton, RI 02878
Phone: 401-625-6780
Located on the Fogland Beach Conservation Area, this beach offers a beautiful view of Sakonett River.
Lifeguards are on duty during the summer months.
Amenities: Children’s activities, parking, restrooms and showers
There is a parking fee for Fogland Beach, but I cannot confirm how much it is. Based on the prices for other beaches in the area, I would estimate it to be about $20.
Grinnell’s Beach
Address: Intersection of Main Road and Stone Bridge, Tiverton, RI 02878
Phone: 401-625-6780
This beach offers views of Sakonnet River, the beautiful Portsmouth coastline and the boats coming to and fro.
No lifeguards at this beach.
Amenities: Parking and restrooms.
This beach has free parking.
Warren Town Beach
Address: Water Street, Warren, RI 02885
Phone: 401-245-7340
One of the the few beaches in Rhode Island to offer beautiful views of Barrington and the Providence River.
Lifeguard on duty during the summer months.
Amenities: Food/snack bar, parking, picnic area and restrooms
Parking is free for Warren residents but costs for non-residents. Cannot confirm the cost, I would estimate $20 for parking.
Goddard Memorial State Park
Address: 1095 Ives Road, Warwick, RI 02818
Phone: 401-884-9620
A beach on Greenwich Bay that offers a load of activities for the whole family.
Lifeguards on duty 10AM – 6PM during the summer months.
Amenities: Children’s activities, food/snack bar, hiking, parking, picnic area and restrooms
Parking for Goddard Memorial State Park is free and open to the public.
Gorton Pond
Address: Veterans Memorial Drive, Warwick, RI 02818
Phone: 401-738-2000
A small, freshwater beach with lots of shade and privacy.
No lifeguards on duty.
Amenities: Parking and restrooms
Parking for Gorton Pond is free.
Little Pond
Address: Albert Road, Warwick, RI 02818
Phone: 401-738-2000
A quiet beach located on a freshwater pond in the middle of a residential area.
Amenities: Parking
Parking at Little Pond is free.
Oakland Beach
Address: Stender Boulevard, Warwick, RI 02818
Phone: 401-738-2000
A busy beach that features picnic areas and many nearby restaurants.
Lifeguards on duty during the summer months.
Amenities: Children’s activities, food/snack bar, parking and restrooms.
Parking for Oakland Beach is free.
Warwick City Park/Buttonwoods Beach
Address: Steven O’ Conner Boulevard, Warwick, RI 02886
Phone: 401-738-2000
A beautiful stretch of beach in the city park that faces Buttonwoods Cove.
No lifeguards.
Amenities: Children’s activities, picnic area, parking and restrooms
Parking for Buttonwoods Beach is free.
Atlantic Beach Park
Address: 321 Atlantic Avenue, Westerly, RI 02891
Phone: 401-322-0504
An amusement park on the beach featuring rides and attractions with great ocean views.
Lifeguards are on duty during the summer months.
Amenities: Children’s activities, food/snack bar, parking, picnic area and restrooms
Parking for Atlantic Beach Park is $20 on weekdays and $28 on weekends. Half-priced parking for Rhode Island residents.
Misquamicut State Beach
Address: 257 Atlantic Avenue Westerly, RI 02891
Phone: 401-596-9097
The beach that has it all: plenty to do for the little ones and lots to do for adults. Perfect for people watching or relaxing on the beach. It’s one of the most popular beaches in Rhode Island.
Lifeguards are on duty during the summer months.
Amenities: Children’s activities, food/snack park, picnic area, and showers.
There is plenty of parking for Misquamicut, but it is pricey at $28 for non-residents on the weekends and $20 on weekdays. Half price for RI residents.
Napatree Point Beach
Address: Fort Road, Westerly, RI 02891
Phone: 800-732-7636
This beach is a favorite spot for hikers and bird watchers, boasting scenic views and a less crowded feel.
No lifeguards on duty.
Amenities: None
There is no official parking, but there are some unofficial lots and parking in the nearby Watch Hill area.
Watch Hill Beach
Address: 153 Bay St, Westerly, RI 02891
Phone: 401-348-6007
This kid-friendly beach boasts an antique carousel and is located in close proximity to the historic district and shops.
Lifeguards are on duty during the summer months.
Amenities: Children’s activities, picnic area and restrooms.
There is no official parking, but there are unofficial lots for $20.
Westerly Town Beach
Address: 365 Atlantic Ave, Westerly, RI 02891
Phone: 401-322-0110
This is a clean, family beach located at the western most point in Rhode Island.
Lifeguards are on duty during the summer months.
Amenities: Children’s activities, food/snack bar, parking and restrooms
Parking for this beach is meant for Westerly town residents only.
World War II Memorial State Park
Address: Social Street, Woonsocket, RI 02895
Phone: 401-762-9717
This state park is located in downtown Woonsocket and has many amenities including a man-made pond. The park is also the location of the annual “Autumfest” celebration which takes place over Columbus Day weekend.
Amenities: Children’s activities, parking, picnic area, playground and restrooms
World War II Memorial State Park has free parking year round.
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