Nicknamed the “City of Presidents”, Quincy has a remarkable history and has strong ties to the foundation of the United States of America. Quincy has produced such legendary figures as former-Presidents John Adams, John Quincy Adams and statesman John Hancock. First settled in 1625, Quincy was an important hub for ship building and granite quarrying. Today Quincy is the 8th largest city in Massachusetts and a great destination for exploring both U.S. history and their picture-perfect beaches.
Fun facts: The city is pronounced “Kwin-zee”, after Colonel John Quincy, and not “Kwin-see”.
Official town site: http://www.quincyma.gov/
Wikipedia town site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quincy_MA
Related Day Trips:
John Adams Tour
Like Pizza?…(And Who Doesn’t?)
- Church of the Presidents – A tour through the church that contains the tombs of John Adams and John Quincy Adams and their wives. It’s recommended you do this after the John Adams Tour. http://www.ufpc.org/
- John Adams Tour – A great tour that takes you through the birthplace and estate of John Adams and John Quincy Adams. A historical journey where you get to explore the roots of America. The official site.
- SchoolHouse Pizza – This tasty little pizza shop on School St is great. They use fresh ingredients from local businesses. Try the Dean’s List pizza, it’s fantastic. See pictures of the pizza and the shop here (at the bottom). Official site: http://www.schoolhousequincy.com/