The “elbow” of Cape Cod, Chatham was originally inhabited by the native Monomoy people. English settlement began in the area in 1656 and slowly its population built to a point where they were able to incorporate into a town in 1712. Historically a center for shipping, fishing and whaling; Chatham has gradually become a tourist hot spot and it’s no wonder as Chatham is surrounded by water and offers amazing ocean views. Chatham has made a successful ongoing effort at keeping its small-town roots, it boasts a walkable, picturesque Main Street and features many small, family owned businesses.
Fun fact: Pronounce it “Chat-ham” so you sound like a local, pronouncing it “Cha-tham” is a dead give away that you’re a tourist.
Town Site: http://www.town.chatham.ma.us
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chatham,_Massachusetts
Related Day Trips:
- Chatham Lighthouse – This lighthouse operated by the U.S. Coast Guard gives occasional tours of the grounds. It provides a beautiful backdrop for Chatham Lighthouse Beach.
- Chatham Lighthouse Beach – An expansive beach that’s great for sunbathing. Marine wildlife is often visible from its shores.
- Chatham Pier Fish Market – A pier with a top deck that provides great views of the oceans and boats. Fishermen can often be viewed unloading their boats here.
- Main Street – A long stretch of road running through the heart of Chatham with many small businesses and restaurants.
- Chatham Squire – Your typical bar-by-the-ocean type of restaurant specializing in sandwiches and seafood. Great lively atmosphere.